THINGS TO SEE - Baldovilla

Holidays Apartments in Malcesine
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Malcesine  is a small village of medieval origins, surrounded by nature. The Scaliger Castle, with its high tower, overlooks the whole town from a rock spur, and the landscape from the tower is amazing! A lot of couples are chosing the Castel as their wedding location. The streets in the center of the village are filled with shops: you can walk between ancient buidings, towards the lake, the old port and the Palazzo dei Capitani. If you want a sunbath, you can relax in one of the many beaches. Events, concerts, festivals and parties all contribute to let the guest feel part of the local culture.


The Mount Baldo massif reaches a maximum height of 2,218 mt. MALS. It is situated between the provinces of Trento and Verona, lying between the municipalities of San Zeno di Montagna, Ala, Avio, Caprino Veronese, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Brentonico, Nago–Torbole, Brenzone and Malcesine.
Its main mountain range has a north-south orientation, its natural borders are in the south the near Capino Veronese beginning plain, Lake Garda for 40 kilometres along the west side, in the north a valley joining Rovereto to Nago-Torbole, and Vallagrina on the east side.
The largest mountain chain consists in two parts, Mount Baldo and Mount Altissimo, which stands alone. Starting in the south, its peaks are Creste di Naole (1660 m), the mountain ridge of Costabella (2062 m), Coal Santo (2072 m), Vetta delle Buse (2154 m), Sascaga (2134 m), Punta Telegrafo (2200 m), Punta Pettorina (2191 m), Valdritta (2218 m), Longino (2180 m), Pozzette (2128 m), Dos della Colma (1830 m) and l’Altissimo (2078 m).
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Lake of Garda, the most Mediterranean of the Alpine Italian lakes, shows itself in its wonderful surrounding of natural luminosity and colours: a unique holiday spot, in all seasons. Its shores, studded with villages and small towns, add the charm of a built up landscape to the beauty of its rich natural environment, and the spell of ancient findings of Roman settlements, medieval fortresses, imposing buildings and noble villas. With its Romanesque parish churches, its Baroque-style churches and its sanctuaries, with its monasteries and hermitages, lake Garda shows all the different aspects of its personality, even as an incomparable spiritual place.


Verona is a splendid city of art, surrounded by the traces of its ancient history, splendid in its mythical dimension bestowed upon it by the Shakespearean tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Roman ruins, medieval vestiges, Venetian and Austrian traces can be seen all across the city, as well as antique palaces, squares, bridges and wonderful churches. In the historical centre, Piazza Bra and the Arena, Piazza Erbe and Piazza dei Signori, Via Cappello and Corso Porta Borsari lead to the Teatro Romano, Ponte Pietra, Castelvecchio, the Ponte Scaligero and the ancient churches of San Fermo and Sant’Anastasia, the Cathedral (Duomo) and San Zeno. Elegant cafés and ancient osterie (typical inns of the Veneto territory), craftsman shops and high couture shops enliven city life all year long. Verona is a man-sized city which fascinates visitors with its elegance and its welcoming atmosphere, in which ancient and modern times meet. The city’s past centuries of history and its past splendour are witnessed by its architectural and artistic masterpieces; its culture and art are well renowned on a national and international level. For this reason, in the year 2000 Verona was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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